I was planning to explain why I have a broom in my shower, ‘cause I know you and Ronna Fisher are curious, but I was thinking about something else today.
I like creative people. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t like anyone else, it’s just that I’m fascinated with the way creative people think. There seems to be an inborn motivation to step outside the lines, to take something to the next level, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
We have a lot of outlets for creativity at SNU. Through the year, performers participate in a wide variety of music events, actors ply their craft in plays and musicals, and, of course, there are many opportunities to share talent in chapel. Even the cheerleaders have a place to perform. That’s cool. For the fact-driven writer or the seriously opinionated like me, we have this wonderful newspaper. Wait, wait- is it still a PAPER if it’s in digital form? Oh, I digress… Anyway, there’s an outlet here. But where are the creative writers, the designers, the weekend artists?
Most people have taken a photo or two of which they are proud. No doubt, lurking among us is a plant taxonomist with a journal full of amazing prose. What about that kinesiology student who is passionate about painting? Prof, do you write impressive essays that other human eyes have never seen? BIOCHEM MAJOR, ARE YOU A POET? SNU community, arise! Throw off the confines of your daily lives and EXPRESS YOURSELVES!
Oooh, oooh, head rush. Let me settle down for a moment…
OK, people, here’s the shameless plug: SNU Expressions magazine is the university’s outlet for creativity in prose, poetry, fine art, photography, and graphic design. I, your humble but opinionated Patty J., am editor this year, and I would love for profs, staff, and students to submit creative work. There you have it. It’s an ideal opportunity to share your best creations with a wider audience and YOU- yes, you- ultimately control the content and quality.
Creative souls, I know you are out there. Don’t be afraid- email your work to snux@mail.snu.edu and let our magazine showcase what you’ve got. I know it’s good, and I can’t wait to see it.
Don’t worry about the broom in the shower. See you in class.