On August 21, 2024, students swiftly returned to Southern Nazarene University for a new academic school year. Comfortability and routine can seem quick and easy to attain for these revenants, but for the class of 2028, the bittersweet feeling of change can seem overwhelming. From dorm life to cafeteria life, acclimating to a completely different environment can have its challenges and joys for these new students.
SNU is full of adjustments for freshmen Natalie Gowan and Judah Pigg. When asked to describe her first week in one word, Gowan simply stated, “Change.” Pigg shared, “It’s a new chapter, and change is scary…” Everyday life looks obscure from normalcy for these students. “[College] is very different from what high school was like… I’ve never lived like this before,” continued Gowan. Even relationships with the people you love most suddenly shift. Pigg talked about his new routine with his family and said, “Now you have to call your mom instead of just asking her about laundry and wake up 6 feet from a random dude you met on Instagram.”

The first week of class was also full of surprises. Pigg commented, “The class size surprised me because most of the classes are smaller than my high school classes.” The transition from a 6A, highly populated Texas high school to a small-town SNU stunned Pigg. He was not alone in that thought, though. “I was raised around Texas A&M, so you never see the same person twice in a day because the campus is so big, but here you see everyone all of the time,” acknowledged Gowan. The population size of SNU compared to the Texas towns from which both Gowan and Pigg come is inevitably different, but in some cases, the difference is good.
Excitement for the semester can be felt by the newcomers all over campus; the newfound possibilities and opportunities are a huge part of freshman year. Pigg claimed he’s “excited for the relationships I’m going to make and just being a part of it all.” Possessing a very competitive nature, Pigg is also excited for intramurals to begin. On the topic of sports, Gowan, like most students, is thrilled for SNU’s athletic events to begin. Being on the softball team also has Gowan excited and ready for her season to start.
College can be extremely intimidating and daunting for most freshmen, but for Natalie Gowan and Judah Pigg, freshman year is an exciting opportunity for a fresh start. Changes can be felt and seen, but we hope that these students as well as others will still make the most of their freshman year.
Photos by: Maddy Hada