Brooklynn Caldwell: Blending Music, Faith, and Leadership at SNU

Brooklynn Caldwell: Blending Music, Faith, and Leadership at SNU

Brooklynn Caldwell, a sophomore commercial music production major from Yukon, Oklahoma, spends most of her time in the Parker Fine Arts Center. She continues to explore her passion for all aspects of music every day. Attending Southern Nazarene University is not only helping her grow musically but also strengthening her faith. With support from friends, family, and administrators, Caldwell has grown and will continue to grow in many meaningful ways.

When Caldwell started college as a freshman, she was unsure of what she wanted to do, so she immersed herself in commercial music production. “I knew I wanted to do something music-related since that is where my skills are. I have always liked the technical and business aspects of working in a studio. It is a combination of everything I enjoy doing,” Caldwell explains. Commercial music production majors create projects that are entirely authentic to their style. Caldwell loves producing work that puts a unique spin on original pieces. She enjoys experimenting with different sounds, layering tracks, and refining the production process to create polished, professional-quality work. For example, she is currently working on a cover of Let It Be by The Beatles, featuring musical contributions from other students on campus. Caldwell mentions, “There are so many different positions that you could go into with music production, but all I know for certain is that I want to work in a studio.”

Caldwell is currently on a music scholarship with the Sound of the Storm, playing clarinet for both the marching and symphonic bands. When asked why she chose to be part of the instrumental program, Caldwell shares, “I have played clarinet for so long, and I wanted to put myself out there. I am focusing on growing socially as a person and leader, and the band helps me with that, especially in my role as a section leader. It is tough, but I have met some great friends who support me throughout the learning experience.” As a section leader, Caldwell takes on additional responsibilities, such as mentoring younger members, ensuring musical precision, and fostering camaraderie within her section. She embraces the challenges of leadership, finding that guiding others has strengthened both her confidence and musicianship. Beyond rehearsals and performances, Caldwell cherishes the friendships she has built through the band. She especially enjoys game-day performances and concerts, where the collective energy of the ensemble creates an unforgettable experience. Caldwell hopes to incorporate her instrumental background into her future in commercial music production, whether through arranging, composing, or working in a studio. 

Through the loving Christian community at SNU, Caldwell has been able to develop a personal relationship with Christ. “My personal relationship with Christ began here at SNU due to the fulfilling atmosphere. Almost everyone here acts in Christ-like ways, and that has made me see what having that relationship with Christ does in your life.” During high school, Caldwell practiced the basics of Christianity, such as praying occasionally and attending church on Sundays. However, her faith has deepened since coming to SNU. Her roommate, Elizabeth Howard, has played a significant role in her spiritual journey, taking time to read the Bible with her and helping her cultivate a stronger, more personal connection with Christ. Caldwell strives to reflect her faith through her actions, hoping to guide others toward Christ. “I hope the way I treat my friends and show them love and kindness represents God in a way that honors Him,” she proclaims. Having been raised in households where opinions often clashed, Caldwell is dedicated to helping her family come to know God. Her time at SNU has allowed her to strengthen all of her relationships, deepening her connections with those she cares about.

In all areas of her life, Caldwell continues to grow as both a musician and a person of faith. Her time at SNU has allowed her to explore her passion for music, develop meaningful relationships, and strengthen her connection with Christ. With a clear vision for her future in commercial music production and a heart dedicated to reflecting Christ’s love, Caldwell is well on her way to making a lasting impact on both the music industry and the lives of those around her. 


Photo by: MaK Wilkerson