By Ronna Fisher, Assistant Editor
SNU, a school full of tradition. TWIRP, Yule Feast, Back to School Bash, Finals Fling, and do not forget Ring by Spring. And, now with Valentine’s Day approaching, there is Heartpal.
Comparable to a formal banquet, for the past couple of years Heartpal has been held at the Oklahoma City Art Museum. This year Heartpal will be held in the Hall of Mirrors at the Civic Center and will include ballroom dancing. The event entails dessert, dressing up, and taking plenty of adorable “I’m-in-college” pictures.
This also includes the well-known tradition of boys creatively asking the girls. This creativity can include anything from scavenger hunts to singing guys to a programmed video game. How are guys asking girls this year and why go to all the trouble? After much scavenging by social network and word-of-mouth, here are the top three most creative ways that girls have been asked to Heartpal this year.
Number three: While on her way to Snowbarger Hall to pick up some friends, Natalie LeMay, freshman, was surprised by a large group of people jumping out into the street with a bunch signs. They were lined up all along Asbury with signs that said, “Will you go to Heartpal?” and “Honk to say yes.”
“There was another [sign] that was “Keep honking to say no,” and I kept honking just to confuse them,” LeMay said.
Eventually, a completely surprised LeMay joined the group and her asker, Blake Frazier, with a “yes” for an answer.
Number two: Freshman Gentry Smith turned his interest in technology into a unique way to ask Miranda Garlett, freshman, to Heartpal.
“I asked my date to Heartpal by programming a Pokémon game. I always love messing with technology, and I figured this would be both a unique thing and consistent with my personality. She wasn’t expecting it at all! She almost completely missed it, too,” Smith said.
Number one: Junior Tyler Copeland used quite a bit of theatrics to pull off asking Emily Gammill to Heartpal.
“Tyler asked me to Heartpal by using fake blood and acting like he had cut his hand,” Gammill said. “All I could see was blood coming though, and I completely fell for it. As I was in a frenzy to stop the bleeding and get help, he pulled out a paper that said, ‘Heartpal?’”
“I knew she was a Nursing mage, so I had to put her nursing skills to the test,” Copeland said.
A lot of time, work, and creativity can go into asking someone to Heartpal, and all for one night. Why go to all the trouble?
Felipe Simóes believes getting creative makes it more memorable. Smith explains that it makes a “statement.”
“When I asked Miranda creatively, I told her that she was worth the time to ask creatively,” Smith said.
In addition, it is just plain fun.
“It’s fun for both the guy and the girl,” Celeste Forrest, freshman, said.
After all of the asking, students have a lot to look forward to. While some students have never ballroom danced before, there is excitement about getting to try something new..
“I’m most excited about the ballroom dancing! First of all because it gives us all something to do besides eat desserts and take picture. And also, ballroom dancing is something I’ve never done before and will be fun to learn, even if it means looking a little ridiculous!”Gammill said.
Heartpal is meant to be a time away from the stresses of everyday school. It is a time to spend a great night with all of your friends.
“It’s just a great way to dress up and have fun together,” LeMay said.
Do you know of any other creative Heartpal invitations? Share them in the comments below!