By Kira Roberts, Layout Editor
Fellowship of Christian Athletes takes place every other Monday on the second floor of the Sawyer Center and is an opportunity for any SNU athlete to get connected and spend some time in worship together.
According to co-president, Colby Connel, it is a great opportunity for athletes to get together and use sports to relate to each other and the role their faith has in that. Connel is a senior science education major and is on the basketball team.
“My favorite part about it is getting to share what’s on my heart and hear what’s on other athlete’s hearts,” Connel said. “Often times it’s a great place to give and receive encouragement to be a light in the locker room to our teammates who need to hear about Christ. I think it has an impact on our student body because many people that come to FCA are leaders on their team and are encouraged to use their leadership role as a ministry opportunity.”
Along with the other co-president, Angela Zanotti, Connel plans meetings, gives out information from the FCA organization, and speaks within the meetings. They address the needs that many teammates have and discuss how they can make a difference, as well as lift those needs up through prayer.
Many non-Christian schools also have FCA groups and SNU gets the opportunity each year to spend time with these other collegiate groups at statewide FCA events. Connel said that one of these events is coming up on February 8th at Life Church in Edmond. He said that this is a great opportunity to play games, eat free food, and take part in worship with other student athletes across Oklahoma.
For more information about getting plugged in, speaking, playing worship music, or joining for the February 8th event, contact Colby Connel, Angela Zanotti, or Coach Paul McGrady.