Fresh Starts and New Adventures: Welcome to the SNU Campus!

Fresh Starts and New Adventures: Welcome to the SNU Campus!

Welcome to the SNU campus! Whether you are just starting your higher education journey or will soon be closing this chapter, we are so happy to have you here. Dr. Steve Betts, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Success, states, “We’re so excited to have both new and returning students back to campus–we have missed you this summer! We hope you have a wonderful year of learning–in the classroom, through chapel, and with other campus activities. May God continue to guide your path as you move through your years at SNU.”

Starting the school year may bring up a lot of different emotions. Some may experience excitement while others are nervous or even sad. Maybe you feel all of these emotions. I am here to tell you that all of these emotions are valid and that you are not alone in these feelings. Remember, school is tough, but so are you!

I speak for many when I say that we are here for you. SNU prioritizes community and God above all and has trained many mentors to be able to serve its students well. Chase Matson, Student Body President, states, “To all the new and returning students, I am glad to have you here! This is going to be a great year full of new and annual events! We have so many new memories and friendships to make, and a chance for new beginnings.”

As a senior student, I advise you to get connected in all aspects of campus life. Go to as many events as you can. Find a student and faculty mentor and meet with them regularly. These are the people who will help you through the whirlwind of college. Cheer loudly at sporting events. Start traditions and participate in ones that came before you. Find value in the work you are doing and study hard. Make memories, soak it all up, and don’t be afraid to look silly. It will all be over before you know it! 

Katy Bradley, Dean of Students, shares the same sentiment saying, “Welcome back! You are why we do what we do! We have been praying for you throughout the summer and are excited about all that is in store for this year. Make it a goal to get involved and show up to events, cheer classmates on at games, and get to know some new friends. I have no doubt that you will look back in May and be grateful for the memories made and the relationships built throughout the year! We are better together!”

As we head into the new semester, I encourage you to foster an attitude of gratitude. Thank those who have helped you make it to SNU and those who will continue to uplift you. Always strive to help those around you. Walking from class to class can be hectic, but a smile and a simple hello to others goes a long way. If you are an upperclassman, find an incoming student to mentor and love well. I would like to extend the invitation and let students know that if you need a mentor, I will gladly fill that role. I hope your first days of classes go well and that you feel loved. Do not hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else on campus. We are here for you!


Photo by: SNU Creative