If you are a freshman, vote for your favorite candidate on Thursday.
Presidential Candidates:
- JaVone Knox
I’m JaVone Knox from Bethany, Oklahoma. I am so grateful to be a part of Southern Nazarene University. I’m so excited to be running for Student Government Freshmen Class President this year. Being able to be the leader that God called me to be is what I truly desire to do. This freshmen class has to get off on the right foot from the get go. I’m believing that this is something I am capable of doing. But to get us in the right direction, we need a strong-minded leader. Someone who is understanding, open-minded, has a strong personality, also self-disciplined, setting goals to be achieved, and just super amazingly spectacular, fantastic, and awesome. Someone who is dedicated to the task at hand. The one who is devoted to many ideals is the one who gets the job done. Thank you to all my friends for truly supporting me to run for this position.
- Summer Showalter
I’m Summer Showalter. I came to Southern Nazarene University with a mission to be as involved as I possibly could. In high school I played sports, sang in the choir and was also a part of student government so I have always loved being busy. I promise to give up time to make sure we have awesome things planned for all of us, and by the end of this year I want everyone to feel like they have found their place here. I would be honored if you all would let me be the one to lead you to that place.
- Aaron Terry
My name is Aaron Terry and I’m running for 2014-2015 Freshman President. I’m from a small town in Ohio. I am currently majoring in Ministry and Political Science. I plan to get involved in government and try to make America and the world a better place. Something that’s sets me apart from most people is that I always have a smile on my face and work as hard as I can. I would like to be your class president because I feel as if it would be an opportunity for me to minister and help anyone that I can.
- Jaci Wise
My name is Jaci Wise. I am running for Freshman SGA President. I love watching movies, reading books, and chocolate pudding. I enjoy making people laugh and attempting different accents; feel free to ask me to show you my New York accent…. it’s “amazing”. I am an Elementary Education major and hope to be a witness to young children in schools. I have a lot of plans for us freshman, in hopes of helping us grow as a class and as friends. I hope that you will make the WISE choice and consider voting for me.
Campus Communications Candidates:
- Becca Cox
My name is Becca Cox. I would be happy to be your Campus Communications officer this year because I want to come up with bigger and better ways to communicate around our campus. I love to design and come up with creative ways to do things. With these skills I will do my best to make sure there is advertising that appeals to everyone! A couple of my strengths are includer and positivity. I will use these to make sure everyone in the class feels included and can participate in all events and have a great time while there!

Hello, I’m Marshall Jones, and I am a running for Publicity Council (Campus Communications). I am so excited to get started! Having served in my church as a communicator and event announcer, I believe that I can be an incredible help in linking you to what’s going on around campus. If I am elected, my goal as freshman communicator is to make sure that everyone “gets the memo!” So #LETSCOMMUNICATE, and vote for Marshall Jones this election.
Secretary/Treasurer Candidates:

Hi my name is Emma Gunter and I would love to be your freshman class secretary/treasurer for this school year! I want to join SGA because the students already involved in it look like they’re having a blast, and I want to have the same kind of experience that they are having. I also want to join to be involved and to have a chance to be a leader to my freshman classmates. I would really appreciate your vote!(: #voteEMMA
Athletic Relations Candidates:
- Marissa Alvarez
Hello, my name is Marissa Alvarez. I play soccer here at SNU, and I would love to be more involved. I would be happy to serve the freshman class as the athletic relations rep, using my passions and strengths to make our experience as students better. I feel as though my strengths in communication and woo will be great assets for SGA. This position would combine my love for community and people and my love for sports. I hope to bring student athletes and other students together, bringing support and a sense of community to our fields and courts.
- Morganne Anderson
I’m Morganne and I’m running for freshman class athletic relations. I’ve always been passionate for anything and everything sports related. Whether it is cheering on a local team or watching the professionals, I’m there. Currently I’m studying in the Kinesiology department to be an exercise science major. My interest in athletic relations was sparked at the first SAAC meeting I attended. I knew I wanted to be involved in athletes reaching out to the community and the relationship between the student body and its athletes. After listening to Kevin Nixon speak about what he had planned for this upcoming year, I was excited to jump right in.
- Jessica Bayne
I’m Jessica Bayne. Some of my biggest passions throughout my life have been sports, leadership and missions, and I believe this position perfectly ties the three together. I started playing sports as soon as I could walk and continued through high school, served as both the Student Government Secretary at my school and the Youth Leadership Committee Publicity Coordinator at my church, and went on mission trips starting at the age of seven. If elected, I would love to help the community by using these passions to create events that bring athletes and nonathletes together and make everyone feel a part of the school.
Social Life Candidates:
- Jasmine Abraham
I’m Jasmine Abraham. I’m running for Social Life because I love coordinating events. I’ve had various opportunities to coordinate different events with my church as well as concerts for 3 different non-profit organizations. If I were to become the social life coordinator, I would have the chance to reach out to people who wouldn’t normally get out of their dorms for events. Just a few things to know about me: I’m a social media addict who loves her coffee and is always up for adventures and meeting new people (I’m positive that adventures and meeting new people are in the SLC job description).
- Josie-Lynn Doss
I’m Josie-Lynn Doss and I think everyone would agree that one of the worst things is feeling left out or not connected. Given the opportunity to serve the SNU freshman class as Social Life Coordinator, my main goal for this year would be to help my team get every SNU student involved on campus in a way that is perfect for them! Okay, let’s be real…we all know we came to college to make memories that will last a lifetime. If you elect me, I promise to be your social “life-saver” and help make this year the most fun you’ve ever had #josielynnforthewin
Campus Ministries Candidates:
- Catie Crosley
What is the purpose of living if we all end up dying anyways? It’s my goal in life to make a difference, not just on a personal level, but to help a transformation take place. Each of us are unique and can contribute special gifts others cannot by having a heart for serving others. I want to help the hurting to see through their trials by looking to God. If SNU joins together for a main purpose and teams with local schools, imagine the difference we could make in God’s Kingdom! Join me by voting Catie Crosley for Campus Ministries!
- Kenneth Lauver
My name is Kenneth Lauver. Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I like serving the Lord, hiking, volleyball and obviously Nacho Libre. If you didn’t get the reference, don’t worry about it. If elected, we’ll have a freshman class Nacho Libre watch party, pending approval of course. All joking aside, I believe that God has a specific plan and purpose for each of us within this faith community here at SNU. My vision as Freshman Campus Ministries Representative would be for the Kingdom of God to fall on our campus this year like never before as we join in ministry together.