Give Week Recap: SNU Serving Others

Give Week Recap: SNU Serving Others

Each year, SNU hosts “Give Week,” an event dedicated to promoting service, generosity, and connection within the campus and beyond. The week is filled with various activities, such as group prayers, snack packing, and a talent show, all aimed at fostering a spirit of giving and community engagement. This year, students were asked to reflect on what giving back means to them and how it affects both themselves and the SNU community.

photo by Jose RamosRyleigh Rushing, an active participant in Give Week, shared her thoughts on what giving back to the community means to her and how she envisions its impact on campus. “I think giving back to the community means to give of ourselves more fully and selflessly. I think we love others well in a way that is unprecedented when we surrender ourselves to God, and therefore, open ourselves up to being vessels of His love and His light to our community. On our campus, I see a truer and wider-sweeping sense of belonging and acceptance when we give of our time and our skills as humble and willing stewards who serve joyfully, without grumbling or complaining.” Her words highlight the deep-rooted connection between faith and service at SNU, where acts of giving are seen as a reflection of the university’s core values of compassion, stewardship, and inclusivity.

photo by Jose Ramos

One of the main events during Give Week was the snack packing service opportunity. Emily Martinez, another student who participated, shared her motivation for getting involved and the impact the event had on her. She shared, “Honestly, I joined the snack packing event to get an extra chapel credit, but I also love participating in any event that involves helping others! What stood out to me was that these snack packs were for elementary school kids. Even though we weren’t able to see the kids, deep down I knew they had smiles across their faces. Imagining how happy they were when they received the snack packs warmed my heart.” Martinez’s experience illustrates the personal rewards that come with service, especially when the impact of those actions, though unseen, can still be deeply felt.

Give Week at SNU continues to bring students together, fostering an atmosphere of mutual support and purpose. Through each act of service–whether through prayer, packing snacks for children, or performing in the talent show–students learn that giving back isn’t just about fulfilling a requirement; it’s about creating a ripple effect of love, joy, and generosity that strengthens both the individual and the community around our beloved SNU.


Photos by: José Ramos