By Ronna Fisher, Assistant Editor
The week of October 15th will bring the fourth annual Global Vision Week (GVW) at SNU. Jason Hubbert, associate in Spiritual Development, created Global Vision Week in 2008. The goals of GVW were three-fold: to increase awareness, expectations and participation in study abroad programs and mission trip opportunities.
“I believe in an increasingly global society. The average educated individual will need to know how to interact inter-culturally,” said Hubbert.
Rhea Woodcock, director of student ministries, studied abroad as an undergraduate at SNU.
“The insight gained into oneself whenever you go abroad is a huge benefit, and it can impact your life and lead to a fuller understanding of the world around you,” said Woodcock.
According to Hubbert and Woodcock, studies have shown that a student’s semester abroad is his or her most formative semester. The semester abroad tends to be more influential than classes, teachers and even friends.
During GVW, Sodexo will be serving international food throughout the week. Last year one of the most popular items was an avocado smoothie. Students are encouraged to daringly try something new, unusual and strange. They might be surprised to find that they actually enjoy it.
One chapel will be wholly devoted to study abroad opportunities and the other chapel will be dedicated to mission trip opportunities. There will also be a Study Abroad Fair on Tuesday and a Missions Fair on Thursday. Students will have the opportunity to talk to different representatives about opportunities. Spiritual Development will also be announcing the different mission trips that SNU will offer the summer of 2013.
Since beginning GVW, Hubbert has tracked student involvement in study abroad programs and mission trips. There has been a significant increase in cross-cultural activities. Last year over 100 students participated in study abroad programs or mission trips. This only includes SNU affiliated activities, let alone outside trips or organizations.
Elizabeth Bertuca, a Junior missions major, said, “I’m very excited; I love to see the things that students can accomplish on missions trips.”
Many students are looking forward to GVW for both the mission aspect and the push for study abroad.
Amy Sattler, Junior, studied abroad in Costa Rica in the spring of 2012. “I think it’s good to get students out of our little world of midterms and classes. It’s just a reminder that there’s so much more going on around us and to remind us of the opportunities we have to impact others and interact with the world.”