For the past eight years, a verse of the year has been selected as the guiding theme for the staff and students at Southern Nazarene University. This year, the theme of “He Leads Me” was selected, as represented in the passage, Psalm 23:1-9. This well-known psalm was written by David, a lowly shepherd boy who turned into a courageous king from whom Jesus Christ of Nazareth descended.
The verse of the year tradition began in Keith Newman’s, Ed.D., first year as president. “I felt like there was something about having a focusing theme [of scripture],” Newman shares, reminiscing on the birth of the initiative. While carrying great significance for the campus of SNU, the process of choosing the verse of the year is not as structured as one might expect. Rather than deciding on a verse through a vote, Blair Spindle, Ed.D., University Chaplain for the School of Undergraduate Studies, and Newman consult with each other and spend time in intentional prayer.
“We will usually choose a verse of the year early in the calendar year and not tell anybody. The other thing that we’ve done is move between the Old Testament and the New Testament,” Newman explains, alluding to last year’s verse in Matthew 6:9-13. He continues, “And I’m already thinking about the verse of the year for next year!”
Newman is passionate about SNU’s mission to make Christ-like disciples through higher education and believes a guiding verse of the year aids in this process. Newman most desires “for our students to become acquainted with passages of scripture that are brand new to them.” With some students only here for a short transition in their lives, Newman is ultimately guided by the question, “What is it that we want our students to experience here at SNU?”
The verse of the year provides an impactful scriptural reference and an underlying message that students, whether they are here for four years (or longer) or only a semester, will hopefully be able to take with them. “What I really want as president is for students to know [scripture] and carry that with them, even if they don’t have faith in Jesus. Later on, maybe that scripture could bring some hope and healing into their lives.”

Elaborating on this, Newman discloses his favorite story regarding last year’s verse of the year: The Lord’s Prayer. “Coach Trent May, the women’s basketball head coach, decided that after his pre-game speech, he would have the team say the Lord’s Prayer together.” The basketball girls started by reading the prayer from their verse of the year card, but about “a month into the season, nobody needed their cards anymore.”
Newman also touches on the theme “He Leads Me,” emphasizing that everyone has a story about why they came to SNU, and that story looks different from person to person. Regardless of how we ended up here, the truth remains that “God leads all of us.” Psalm 23 also references finding rest and refreshment for our soul, which our president makes sure to practice at least once a day. “I think it’s super important to start your day by being still. I know it’s harder for students because they go to bed late and try to wake up late, but for me, it is the early morning hours spending time in scripture and prayer” that hold the greatest comfort and refreshment. Newman challenges his students saying, “If you want to test this, try it for 30 days or a week….Ask yourself, ‘What are the days like that I skip being quiet compared to the days that I actually take that time?’”
When asked about how he feels led right now as the president of SNU, Newman explains, “I feel like we are in a running season right now. I think about how back to back we have had bigger enrollment classes. I feel like God is leading us to a place of expanded influence and a greater opportunity to influence more people and prepare men and women to go out and make a difference in the world. The more people we can send out as servant leaders, the better.” Newman emphasizes that while we may not be able to necessarily change the circumstances going on in the world right now, we as students can do our “tiny part” of making a difference for the one individual we may encounter.
With this eight-year-long tradition in place, Newman and SNU staff and faculty have made it their mission to exemplify these verses and leave their students with a unique, enriching, and powerful experience at SNU. As Newman addresses, each of us is being led by God, but we must listen to this calling wherever He is guiding us. Additionally, students should consider being still, allowing their souls to be refreshed even in the midst of a busy college schedule. Thus, we encourage students to commit this verse of the year to memory.
Featured Photo by: SNU Creative