How to Succeed in Sports and School: Advice From SNU Athletes

How to Succeed in Sports and School: Advice From SNU Athletes

SNU’s sports teams have been extremely successful in years past, but this success is not without sacrifice. It is an amazing feat considering the challenges student-athletes face when balancing both homework and practice. It’s a process worth acknowledging as everyone has their own tale of how they have successfully balanced both school and sports.

To go into depth, I interviewed two seasoned student-athletes: Christyan Barnett from the men’s soccer team, and Keziah Segovia from the women’s rugby team. After being asked how he balances his school and sports life, Barnett replied, “Discipline, always making to-do lists, and checking tasks off one at a time.” Segovia added, “Time management. Focusing solely on rugby when it comes time for it and learning what time works best for me to study around practice.”

Student-athletes, regardless if they are beginners or experts, must adapt to changes. Whether it be from various practice schedules, different training routines, or essays and homework popping up near their game days, athletes must balance their schedules and complete the separate tasks required of them. Athletic practices can be exhausting and stressful, however, they can also be a catalyst for growth. For input, I asked Barnett and Segovia how they have grown and improved as students and athletes. Barnett answered, “I believe that through difficult times where I have faced adversity, my inner perseverance has grown and I have become stronger both as a man and a servant of God.” Segovia added, “I grew a lot in managing my time and figuring out how to prioritize what is most important to me. Playing sports on top of school and work is difficult, but it is so worth it.”

The start of the semester brings many new incoming athletes, and all of them will face the challenge of balancing both school and sports. As experienced student-athletes, Barnett and Segovia shared advice they would give to these newcomers. Barnett stated, “Remember why you do what you do. If you truly love those things and want to achieve them, the fear of not achieving those goals will be a strong enough force to drive you to obtain your desires.” Segovia added, “Find a time of day that you have the energy to get schoolwork done but do not over-push yourself around sports. Whatever you are doing, whether that be sports or schoolwork, put effort into each of them.” Segovia continued, “When you’re working on schoolwork, give it your all as if you are playing your sport. Succeeding in both fields builds character and motivation as a person.”

Newcomer athletes can succeed in balancing both schoolwork and sports. It’s not an easy task but as seen with Barnett and Segovia, the feat is not impossible. If you are struggling to find this balance, SNU has people who can help you successfully manage both aspects of your college life. Get connected with an experienced athlete, talk to your coaches and professors, and seek advice from Student Success Services. I can not wait to see you on the field!


Photo by: SNU Creative