Iron Sharpens Iron: SNU Student Leaders

Iron Sharpens Iron: SNU Student Leaders

Leadership can be defined in multiple ways. One may say that it is simply the action of leading a group of people while others may say it is more complex than that. Bailey Cauley, a former NSI mentor and Salt & Senate lead, conveys, “The Bible discusses how iron sharpens iron, and in the leadership roles here on campus that is exactly what we do for our peers.” At Southern Nazarene University, taking on a leadership role is highly encouraged. CJ Droese, Bryce Burns, and Bailey Cauley all mention that encouragement through their experiences. 

photo by MaK Wilkerson
CJ Droese

Droese, a sophomore resident advisor and psychology major, began her leadership journey at the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. When asked how her leadership position has benefited her personally, Droese mentions, “Learning others’ perspectives of Christ and getting to see the way God is using me is really filling. I love being able to interact with students and see how God is working in their lives.” Droese expresses how the Resident Advisor position has challenges at times, but at the end of the day, it is always worth it. Being an RA allows individuals to grow with the community both personally and professionally. 

Cauley, a senior graphic design major, expresses similar sentiments about her leadership journey on campus. When asked why she chose to be an NSI mentor, she stated, “I loved my NSI mentors. They both showed me the love of Jesus, and they helped me through the scariness of being nine hours away from home.” Cauley recommends everyone to be a part of leadership. “Leadership at SNU allowed me to create friendships with people that I normally would not interact with. Yes, there are late nights and early mornings, but it is so fun, rewarding, and worth it.” 

Burns, a sophomore multidisciplinary major in music and business, started his leadership journey last spring. Burns got to travel over the summer from camp to camp as a member of the Remedy worship team. He explains, “You are gone a good portion of the summer moving heavy equipment, setting up and tearing down that equipment, rehearsing several hours a day, and many other responsibilities. Although the experience was physically taxing, I can not express in words how meaningful this summer was to me.” The camps allowed Burns to make connections that will last a lifetime. While Burns is the sound technician for chapel, Wednesday night services, and kerygma as well, this continuation of leadership allows him to maintain those relationships in a way that is constantly serving God. Burns hopes that everyone on campus will strive to try a leadership role so that they may make connections as great as he did. 

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” This verse simply explains that not one person is ever alone. Everyone in leadership and out of leadership here at SNU contributes to the growth of others. 


Photos by: MaK Wilkerson