By Jake O’Bannon, Columnist
We have reached that special time of year, the time of the year where you see students pulling out their FlipVid’s and iPhone 5’s to film their friends doing everything from hunting zombies to the Harlem Shake.
Yes, the SNU Flicks Film Festival is one short week away.
This year, I had the pleasure of getting a sneak preview of some of the videos to be featured in the festival, and I can honestly tell you that it is going to be an incredibly entertaining evening.
With a great diversity of student-made films, those attending are sure to find a number of films that they will enjoy.
Here are a few that are to be featured:
The Standoff
Add together the acting of Andrew Leahey, Casey Myers and Jakob Williams, plus three guns,and the directing skills of Baker Pitts, and what do you get? You get an emotionally-charged silent film that will have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. And this film will leave you asking the question, “It’s over…right?”
This stop-motion film directed by Katelyn Lamb takes you through the story of a normal college student (Maia Brown) as she goes through the motions of her day. This is one film that will make you think and lead you to examine the way you are living your own life. Don’t miss this one.
The Waking Dead
Fan of The Walking Dead? What about Snowbarger Hall? If you said yes to one or both of those questions, you are in for a treat with “The Waking Dead.” This short film created by Aaron Taylor, Gentry Smith and friends, takes you through an exhilarating morning in Snowbarger Hall. Both action and humor are involved in this film that’s sure to be a fan favorite.
The Fellowship Reunited
Have you every thought the last scene of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was a bit cheesy?
Well, get ready to take cheesy to another level as a group of SNU men remake this iconic scene from film history. You will find yourself laughing, crying, and maybe even slapping five with the person sitting next to you during this one. And I may or may not be in it…
What Are You Listening To, SNU?
Let’s be honest: you know that when you see someone wearing headphones on campus you want to know what song they are listening to.
This documentary by Blake Jordan and Baker Pitts gives you that opportunity, as these two go around campus asking students what song is playing in their head. You’ll get everything from The Lion King to The Ying Yang Twins in this film.
And you might just be shocked to see who’s listening to what.
In this testosterone-filled music video, Cole Trotter and Daxten Pruter teach Felipe Simoes and the rest of the audience what it means to be a true bro. Trust me, this video will bring a lot of laughs and will have you talking for days, while also informing you about a very important subject.
Stuff SNUbies Say
Do you believe that there is such a thing as a “Snubie” on this campus? And if so, do you believe these so-called “snubies” have their own language? Kara Pirog, Ashleigh Buchanan and Kelsi Vines give us a run down of the language in this comical SNU-themed short.
Harlem Shake
This year the Flicks Film Festival will include a Harlem Shake video contest. There have been a number of good videos submitted already, but you still have time to submit one if you are interested in entering the contest! The winner will be decided at the event.
Hopefully this has made you as excited as I am about this year’s Flicks Film Festival.
And if this hasn’t done it, the fact that yours truly is hosting should be enough on its own to get you all there!
The event will be next Friday, March 1st in the Floyd Center on the BFC campus.
Bekah Barkocy and the Campus Communications council have been working hard on this event, and I can guarantee it will be one you do not want to miss.
See you there!