Love and SNU

Love and SNU

Among the most pressing questions and societal pressure comes the thought of, “Why am I still single?” Have you attended far too many weddings and thought to yourself, “Where is my true love?” Does it feel as though a lot of your friends are coupling up, while you’re still a single pringle?

Being a communal creature, it is not uncommon to have the desire to enter into a relationship with someone. With all the pressures of life, doing school, going to events, trying to have a social life as well as some amount sleep, it is no wonder that sometimes we feel as though we do not have the time for a relationship.

I surveyed some students, who are in relationships, asking a few questions about their experiences in dating. When asked about some of the perks of dating, Emma Wright, a sophomore English major, wrote “You always have someone to guilt into eating with you.”

Alex Graham, a sophomore Elementary Education major, responded to this prompt as well, saying that one significant perk is “being able to help each other out, especially when we know the other person is stressed or frustrated. For example, when I’m stressed out he’ll grab me a candy bar, and it’s nice we can do those little things for each other.”

Then Marshall Jones, a Senior Mass Communication major, simply wrote “You have someone to share highs and lows with.”  Is that not what dating is about: finding a person you can see yourself spending your whole life with?

For some of us, this author included, wanting advice, I asked these students for some dating tips. Emma Rhodes is a sophomore Music Education major. Rhodes, when asked what advice she would give to someone looking for a partner, wrote “Go to the library, the entire campus hangs out there at night.”

It’s easy to look for someone in your same major, but if you get the chance, go outside the comfort zone of people just like you.” Rhodes also wrote. Ory Schultheis, a Senior theology and ministry, wrote “Know who you are first!”

So, whether you are looking for a date to TWIRP, someone to bring to Heart Pal or a ring by spring, we should keep Graham’s advice in mind, “Don’t go looking for someone to date. Go out there and look for great people and great friends. Work on improving yourself with your relationship with Christ and in that you’ll learn how to be a better friend and then someone special will come along that you click with.”

If you are looking for a sure way to break the ice, then you should try these pick-up lines:

[author image=””]Caleb Bechtold, Business and Social Media Manager

Caleb Bechtold, Echo business manager. Caleb Bechtold is a Junior Theology and Ministry major from Dallas, Texas. SNU has become his home, and is excited to be working for the Echo. In his free time, he enjoys reading, volleyball, and anytime that is spent with good friends. Caleb plans to move to Kansas City, after graduation, to work on his master’s degree, and continue in God’s will.[/author]