We were excited to be visited by about 100 new and returning students at our NSI booth! We will be announcing the winners of our Kindle and gift card giveaway over the next few days here on our website.
We met a lot of fun, enthusiastic, and talented people today! Some of the answers to our survey were especially creative and unique, so we thought we would share a few of our favorites with you.
Biggest fear: “Dementors (haven’t perfected my patronus yet).” -Cindy Benton
A skill I am proud of: “singing the wrong words to the songs on the radio.” -Leslie Davies
Pet peeve: “Chip bags being half-filled.” -Ryan Hannay
Biggest fear: “Fear itself…or snakes.” -Taylor Greenhill
As a child, I dreamed of being: “The next Britney Spears and a psychologist.” -Jordan Sloan
If I could have lunch with any three people in the world, dead or alive, they would be: “Hitler (so I shoot him), my past self, the inventor of ramen [noodles]” -Dwayne Powell
As a child, I dreamed of being… “An astronaut and lawyer and missionary all at the same time.” -Jennifer Wachtel