By Ronna Fisher, Assistant editor
Over one hundred students came together for fellowship, worship, games, food, and some relaxation last Friday, February 15 at Falls Creek Camp.
According to Jake O’Bannon, SGA executive vice-president for campus ministries, the purpose of Spiritual Life Retreat is to “get away from campus for a few hours, relax and find some rest, be in community with other students, have some along time with God, and have fun—in no particular order.“
Students can get overwhelmed throughout the semester with homework, jobs, sports and other activities on campus.
“I named [the retreat] ‘Unstuck’ to emphasize how we as college students can at times get stuck in a schedule where life is just a to-do list, and God is just another thing on the list to cross off,” O’Bannon said.
The weekend was meant to be a chance for students to get refreshed and rejuvenated emotionally, spiritually, and, possibly, physically.
Following a dinner of free Qdoba, students participated in a worship service led by Brandon Whiteside and feature speaker, Travis Lee.
“Brandon Whiteside did a wonderful job leading, and it was just really awesome seeing over a hundred students raising their hands and raising their voices,” sophomore Amanda Cummings said.
Students then staved off the chilly night with a large bonfire and s’mores. There was laughter, a spontaneous sing-off, and marshmallow tosses as students enjoyed the flexibility of being off-campus and hanging out around the fire.
The rest of the weekend included a time of games, a 1 a.m. worship service led by Taylor Greenhill, pancakes, more worship, a time of solitude and prayer, and more food. O’Bannon emphasized that all activities were optional.
“I think the most beneficial time for people was the hour of silence we had Saturday morning. We don’t get that a lot on campus, and I hope people really got to experience silence and true one on one time with God,” says OBannon.
Grace Williams, freshman, enjoyed “being at a different setting from school but with the same people, being able to rest more, and focus on God without having to run off and do homework.”