The Importance of Having a Bucket List

The Importance of Having a Bucket List

Students may come to college so they can earn a degree in their career, build their social skills, or play for their sports team. Whatever the reason, students come to college with a specific goal in mind for their life. This is where bucket lists can come into play.

A bucket list is a set of goals, accomplishments, or dreams students want to work towards accomplishing. SNU student Carson Milligan defines a bucket list in his own words saying “I would define a bucket list as a list of things one wants to do before they die. For me, it’s something I hope I can do or see someday.” SNU student Daniel Yeager added, “I think it’s goals and dreams that are meaningful to you.” 

A bucket list is helpful in carving out students’ life goals. It can give students meaning and purpose in life as they create a list of goals and discover the kind of impact they want to make while they’re alive. More practically, a bucket list can help students plan out ways to gain experience in internships, build up a resume, and successfully navigate their degrees and future careers. 

I asked Yeager and Milligan as well as students Reagan Gill and Darius Petties what goals would help them successfully start their career. Yeager responded, “Completing college, increasing fitness, and developing leadership skills.” Milligan added, “Getting a good resume out there and applying for jobs is a big step, but being able to ethically market what I am doing in the house of worship is also very important.” Gill replied, “Getting the degree I need, the work experience, and the research needed for my career in child psychology.” Petties concluded, “Getting an internship is one of them. Another is learning leadership skills, and building connections.”

Completing a bucket list of goals worth achieving is important for students as it will help them not only build the skill sets and resumes needed for their future careers but also enjoy life. Bucket lists are important for many factors such as creating a legacy, pushing your boundaries,  gaining knowledge, and finding activities that give you joy. Accomplishing goals can do so much for students by helping them get out of their comfort zone and find inspiration in life. I believe students should have or create a bucket list to help them achieve their goals and live their lives to the fullest potential.


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash