By Kira Roberts, Layout Editor
A large number of the students here are involved in a musical ensemble and work day in and day out to perfect their music.
According to senior Cindy Benton, the best way to support them is to show up to their concerts and give them an audience to perform to. Benton has played the French horn since the sixth grade and is in both band and choir in college.
When it comes to this year’s concert season, she said, “as much as we all enjoy it because it’s what we do, it is definitely the most stressful time of our lives.”
Much emphasis has been placed on bridging the gap between athletes and the rest of the student body this year, but Benton mentioned that the school should also focus on connecting the music department as well.
“Southern Nazarene is so big on community and it’s important to support each other in all areas,” Benton said. “There is so much exhilaration that comes from music. It makes it a lot more fun for us when we have a good audience, but more importantly, it’s much more exciting and enjoyable to watch than people may realize.”
Sophomore Andrew Sharp said that he’s excited to be able to show off all the hard work that the musicians have done this semester. He began playing the trombone at age ten and is in both band and choir at SNU.
“Music connects a part of the brain that many other things can’t connect. Being involved in music has taught me time management, teamwork, and helped me develop a strong work ethic,” Sharp said.
Benton had a lot to say about the feeling of being on stage with the audience’s full attention to the music that has been slaved over with the goal of perfection.
“At first it’s kind of nerve- wracking,” Benton said. “You worry about messing up, especially if you have a feature by yourself. But it’s exciting and exhilarating to know that you’ve worked so hard not just technically, but emotionally as well. I think of it as presenting a work of art. It’s our opportunity to share and express what we’ve devoted so much time and effort to. Once we’re on stage, it is no longer about us, but about the music. It’s not just out time to shine, it’s about the chance to share the beauty of music with the audience and each other.”
There are still opportunities coming up to attend performances and see what the music department is all about.
–Read more of Cindy Benton’s perspective in “Musician’s lament” from September 26, 2012.