What Distracts Us From God?

What Distracts Us From God?

Once we as Christians accept Jesus into our lives, we make a vow to be devoted to Him. After accepting Jesus, most new-coming Christians believe that following the path of Christ is an easier task, but in reality, it can be challenging. One example in particular is being distracted from God. Many Christians, myself included, can easily get distracted from our devices and busy schedules, so much so that we either don’t know how to make time for Him or we don’t think to move our distractions to the side and give our full attention to God. So, in this article, I am going to discuss why we are so easily distracted and why we struggle to fit in time for God. 

Before getting into the topic, I wanted to know two SNU students’ relationship with God. Derrek Bley, a junior Resident Advisor in Hills, stated, “My relationship with God is solid. I’ve been a Chrisitan for years due to my household.” Allie Miller, sophomore Chaplain Lead, shared, “Early in my life, I accepted Jesus and was called to work for my church. I was then called to SNU, so I could become a minister.” 

Whenever we have free time after class or work, many of us don’t think to use that time for Christ, and instead, use it on something else. For more insight, I asked the students what distracts them the most. Bley stated, “My PC and my phone. I try to do my devotions before class, but a majority of the time, I don’t end up getting to it.” Miller shared a similar statement, “I love to read and will occasionally get on my phone.” 

To explore the topic of distraction further, I asked the students for their opinions on the matter. Bley shared, “Distractions like my PC can be really fun, while sometimes doing devotions can feel more like a chore.” Miller added, “I think it’s easier to lose focus of what’s important in comparison to what sounds fun. We don’t realize that the more we pray to God and dive into scriptures, the less distracted we become.” 

Devoting time to God isn’t an easy task but it is possible. Many Christians struggle to find time for God, so instead of letting our distractions take over our attention, we should attempt to limit them. I asked the students how they could achieve this for themselves. Bley stated, “If I had an accountability partner, they could help keep me focused.” Miller continued, “When you wake up in the morning, pray to God to lead the day. When we allow God to lead the way of our life and our relationships, it helps to overcome our distractions.” 

Many of us, including our student leaders on campus, face difficulties in our walks with Christ. However, it is not only important but life-giving to make time for God. So, know that you are not alone in your struggles, make sure to recognize and limit what may be distracting you from fully diving into your relationship with God.


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes