BFC Late Night

BFC Late Night

Most students at SNU attend church with their family or friends on Sundays where they can worship the Lord and His words. Sunday is usually the day when students give their time to the Lord, but many want a place to go during the week. On Wednesdays, there is an opportunity for students of SNU to worship the Lord right across the street: BFC’s Late Night.

Late Night is an optional night service for college students. Tiffany Hazel, the BFC College Pastor, says, “Students can come and listen to music, worship together, and get to know one another while I preach about a message called True Peace.” Hazel continues, “We worship, eat, and just hang out.”

Late Night is a good time to praise the Lord and be surrounded by other like-minded Christians who can create a safe environment. Mia Tucker, an SNU student and Light Night attendee says, “I love how all the volunteers are invested in you personally, and I feel community helps you feel seen.” Ben Pumpus, the BFC High School Pastor says, “I think my favorite thing about Late Night is that it’s an environment where you can be yourself and that’s enough for God. It’s a space that draws us close to God as well as connects us to the holy community.” Pumpus happily adds, “Plus free food and friends!”

At Late Night, new-coming students can expect a grand amount of students attending service. Together in a setting of God, students can create a holy atmosphere. At the beginning of this year, Hazel reported that 375 students attended Late Night. Hazel says, “Having 375 students get to worship and connect in one setting is one of my favorite things about Late Night.” Tucker adds, “Since going to Late Night, I’ve never seen it that full in my life.”

Bumpus has some encouraging words for students who haven’t been to Late Night or are unsure if they want to attend. “If you are in need of a place where you can feel accepted, seek friendship, and be yourself while striving to be with God, then Late Night is for you.”

Late Night is a great way for students to strengthen their relationship and faith with Jesus, eat some free food, and connect with other students. If you need help approaching or initiating conversation with new people, Tiffany Hazel will gladly help, as she wants everyone to feel welcomed and connected. Students can attend Late Night at the BFC youth building on Wednesday nights at 9 pm. I hope to see you there!


Photo by Jalan Washington