Matthew Scott, Staff Writer
Have you been to a southern Nazarene Sports game of any kind? If you have, then you know what goes on during those games; it takes many people to put the games together. Especially the Athletics department and, in particular, the sports information department. A lot of people are involved in making the sports information department what it is, but the one person that is there through all of it is the Sports Information Director (SID) David Noblett.
He has been a sports information director for around 10 years, working around at different places, and he just began his fourth year at SNU. It is not just loving sports that keeps him going when the job becomes very stressful. “Working day to day with students and developing relationships with student-athletes [keeps him going]. When you spend that much time with kids, you have a real chance to make a lasting impact,” said Noblett.
For Noblett, purpose is very important; it is necessary to enjoy what you are doing. It is not all fun and games; it is hard work and can at times be very stressful. “There are a lot of different little things that can go wrong, and you have to know how to fix them all,” said Noblett.
You may wonder what exactly the sports information department does. “Pretty much anything and everything behind the scenes,” said Noblett. Noblett shared their duties on game days. “We broadcast every home football, basketball and volleyball game and do select broadcasts of baseball and softball,” said Noblett.
They cover 17 Varsity sports around campus. “We write every article on every event, home or away,” said Noblett, “We write a bio for every student-athlete.” Time management is very important. “[Time management] is probably the most difficult thing. We go 60-70 hours most weeks from August to May. Finding time to do everything we want to do is difficult,” said Noblett.
“We work very hard to promote our student-athletes and the athletics department at Southern Nazarene,” said Noblett. That is the main goal; it is all about the students’ athletics. “We strive to do everything we do with excellence and class, while creating an enjoyable experience for the people in sports information.”