The Current Issues on the Safety of NFL Helmets

The Current Issues on the Safety of NFL Helmets

In recent years, the issue of player safety in the NFL (National Football League) has become a major concern, particularly when it comes to the design and effectiveness of football helmets. While helmets are intended to protect players from head injuries, including concussions, concerns persist about the long-term effects of repeated head trauma and the ability of helmets to mitigate these risks. 

Concussions are a significant concern in the NFL, with studies linking repeated head trauma to long-term brain damage, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). CTE is a degenerative brain disease that has been found in many former NFL players such as Aaron Hernandez and Mike Waters, and has been linked to symptoms such as memory loss, depression, and dementia. While the NFL has taken steps in recent years to address the issue of concussions, including implementing new rules to protect players and improve player safety, concerns remain about the effectiveness of football helmets in preventing head injuries. 

Football helmets have come a long way since the early days of the sport, but questions remain about their ability to truly protect players. While modern helmets are designed to absorb and disperse the force of impact, some experts argue that more needs to be done to improve helmet technology and reduce the risk of head injuries. In recent years, several companies have developed new helmet designs and technologies aimed at improving player safety, such as Schutt with the F7 helmets, or the more recent Vicis helmets. These include features such as improved padding, better shock absorption, and sensors that can detect and measure the force of impacts. 

The NFL has a vested interest in protecting its players and has taken steps to address the issue of head injuries in recent years. This includes implementing new rules aimed at reducing the risk of concussions, increasing awareness of the dangers of head injuries, and investing in research to improve helmet technology. However, some still argue that more needs to be done to protect players from head injuries, including better enforcement of existing rules, stricter penalties for dangerous plays, and continued investment in research and development for new helmet technologies. 

Fans of the NFL are passionate about the sport and the safety of its players, but many share concerns about the issue of head injuries and the effectiveness of football helmets. Braiden Burns, a football player himself, stated, “I love football, but it’s hard to ignore the risks that players face every time they step onto the field. The NFL needs to do more to protect its players from head injuries.” A friend and former NFL special teams coach, Detritous Armstrong, further claims that, “I want to see the players I love coaching on the field for years to come, but I worry about the long-term effects of head injuries and concussions. The NFL needs to take player safety seriously and do everything it can to protect its players from harm.” 

While the league has taken steps to address the issue of head injuries in recent years, including implementing new rules and investing in research, more needs to be done to protect players from the long-term effects of repeated head trauma. As fans continue to show their support for the NFL and its players, it is hoped that the league will take further steps to improve player safety.


Photo By: Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash