By Matthew Wellman, staff writer
Faith and Film is an event that has been going on at SNU for several years. This fall, they have showed Warrior and The Way and will be showing. The Hunger Games on November 15th.
There is a committee who selects films to show to students that relate to Christianity in some way. Spiritual Development’s webpage about Faith and Film describes its purpose as, “The Faith and Film Forum (FFF) exists to assist students in engaging with popular non-religious film in a critical and theological manner. FFF is a completely voluntary program.”
SNU looks to assist students in engaging in non-religious activities, such as movies, with critical thinking. As Christians, we are to bring others to Christ. It is hard to build relationships with people that need Christ if we have no way to relate to them. This is why we must engage in activities, such as Faith and Film, so that we can connect with others and eventually try to bring them to God.
Spindle’s predecessor, Brad Strawn, started faith and Film, but Spindle plans on continuing the showing of the movies.
“I think there is so much good (and bad) theology in movies,” Spindle said. “Many of these stories can really be influential. It is important for Christians to be discerning, thinking. We must allow the lens of Christianity to influence the way we see all things. This includes our entertainment choices. Faith and Film gives us an excellent opportunity to discern together the particular Christian themes presented in current movies.”
There are six criteria that a film must meet in order to be selected to be shown at Faith and Film. The film must 1) have a complex scriptural or theological concept ,2) offer a different view of society’s dominant narratives, 3) teach us something about what it means to be human, 4) offer a critique of Christianity, 5) expose us to larger social issues than should concern us as believers, 6) and it must bring us into the presence of the Divine.
Faith and Film is a very useful way for Christians to grow in our faith and to grow closer to each other. It helps us all learn how to relate to the world around us in order to bring more people to Christ. We, as believers, are should always be looking at the world through God’s eyes, and this is one way for us to learn how to do that.