Staff Writer
Dr. Sylvia Goodman, Professor of Kinesiology at SNU, said the campaign for the new master’s degree offered by the School of Kinesiology is “off to a roaring start.”
According to Goodman, this degree is for people with a focus in Athletic Administration or Sports Business. People who already have a Bachelors or are already active in this field will be targeted by the program.
The process of creating this degree option included formulating an overall curriculum as well as getting approval by the Graduate Counsel, both of which have already been achieved. Goodman is responsible for the program’s curriculum. “The curriculum will cater towards people with interest in sports from a management perspective or a business perspective,” she says.
SNU has only recently began campaigning for this addition, with amazing results. “We made the announcement around April that a brand new program would be coming out for a Kinesiology Degree,” Goodman affirms, “September 8 will be the start of the first cohort. The majority of the first cohort is already in the application process. We are also hoping to make the second cohort a completely online course.”
“We have a lot of interest already,” Goodman says, referring to on-campus activity. Still, professors hope that the off-campus campaigning will generate additional interest. So far, the first day of off-campus advertising was a success. The future targets for off-campus promotion will include the local newspaper, Alumni contacts and career fairs. The school will be marketing to potential students in business, working in schools or attending colleges and universities.
This master’s program will be eighteen months long. Similar to other graduate programs at SNU, they will hold class one night a week on campus. Each course is set up in a six week long module.
The Athletic Department at SNU is hoping this program allows public school teachers and coaches to maintain their careers while helping them gain a master’s degree. However, the department’s promotional efforts are not limited to those outside of the SNU network. Staff and faculty wish to generate a broad marketing plan that will encourage all college and university employees to check out this unique program that promises a competitive edge in the world of sports and athletic management.