The Echo gave all SGA exec candidates a chance to share their mission and goals for the position they are running for. Good luck to all of the candidates this week! Don’t forget to vote tomorrow, Thursday March 6.
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Ryan Hannay: VP of Campus Ministries candidate
I believe that the position of Campus Ministries Exec holds huge potential, and if I am elected, I intend to tap this potential by meeting three main objectives: First, I believe firmly that every student has a place, not just at SNU, but in this world, and I want to help students find their respective places.
Second, I want to help raise awareness of the situations of some of those less fortunate outside of SNU’s campus.
Finally, I want to improve SNU’s community and the larger community of which SNU is a part by encouraging students to build relationships with their peers on their peers’ own terms; in order to really relate with our peers, we need to drop our pretense and talk to them on a level at which they are comfortable.
At SNU, our student body is diverse, and I believe that in order for us to live in effective Christian community as SNU students, we have to not only acknowledge our student body’s diversity but also celebrate it. I believe that by understanding and embracing our differences, we can change our campus for the better, and I hope to have the opportunity to help facilitate that change as your Campus Ministries Executive next year.
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Photo provided by Kevin Nixon
Kevin Nixon: VP of Athletic Relations candidate
Hello, my name is Kevin Doyle Nixon and I’m running for the Athletic Relations Executive Position. First a little bit about myself, I’m a 20-year-old junior from a small town in Idaho, called Kuna. Also, I’m a ministry-theology major and an intern at Williams Nazarene down the road. God has called me into ministry, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me.
My love of sports started in middle school where I took up playing basketball, a sport that I played all through my time in high school. I have stayed involved in sports by working as an intern with Sports Information for the last year, as a broadcaster for all of the sports here at SNU. This includes, football, volleyball, soccer and basketball so far, allowing me to watch all the variety of sports and get to know some of the people that play them.
Now talking a bit about the position I’m running for. My goal is to bring the world of sports and my major into one world. I view it as an opportunity to bring student-athletes and students together. Everything that I want to do with the position will revolve around that goal. Bringing fans into the stands that understand the people playing on the court, and or field as people and not just athletes. I would be honored if you would give me the opportunity to try and achieve these goals next year, and hopefully with a bit of help from students here in this community, we can make that goal come alive.
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Photo provided by Tyler Lloyd
Tyler Lloyd: VP of Social Life candidate
Ask any past graduate what his or her best memories of SNU are, and invariably, over half include an event put on by SGA Social Life. She remembers waiting in line for hours to get those sweet tank tops at Back to School Bash. He remembers a gorgeous Heartpal date and one hundred steel butterflies flapping in his stomach all night. We’ve all been told that college will be the best time of our lives; so why don’t we all work to make wild memories that will always bring us back to these glorious days at SNU?
When I look eight months forward into next year and see an empty desk in the SGA office, I see opportunity. I see the opportunity to shape the face of social life in a way that produces bigger and more extraordinary memories than ever before. However, this is no small task. A generic event at a common place with average entertainment will not do the trick. There is no template to apply that will reach this goal. Instead, events have to be tailored towards each and every student.
Our campus is diverse; our events need to be as well. Events need to attract athletes. Events need to attract non-athletes. Events need to attract international students as well as local students. Events need to attract everybody. Period. Because everyone here should have the opportunity to make a perfect memory of his or her life as a college kid.
So what does this look like at SNU? That looks like dynamic interaction between you and me. On every piece of campaign material, I have placed my phone number, email address and website. I’ve done that so that you have every opportunity to tell me what you want to do on the school’s money. Think big. Be original. This is what you will remember when you are old and grey. I want you to be able to laugh about Finals Fling with your friends when you are all eighty and in the nursing home together. I am willing to try anything and everything. It’s crazy? I like crazy. We may try something, and it may tank. We very well may go down swinging, but we will never be able to say that we didn’t try.
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Photo provided by Mandie Oliver
Mandie Oliver: VP of Social Life candidate
I want to be a Social Life Exec. that is more than just an event planner. I want to think out of the box; use my passion for reaching out to others as well as my creativity to create events where all people can feel like they belong.
I know what it is like to feel lonely and on the outside. Up until college, I was not social. I wouldn’t talk to people unless I absolutely had to, I wouldn’t go anywhere unless I had that one friend that would faithfully stick by my side, and I spent the nights, while my friends were out, alone in my backyard watching the stars.
And I don’t say this to make you think ‘oh, poor high school Mandie’, or even to think there’s anything wrong with that because there isn’t. Everyone deserves to enjoy college, however that may be, not just the people with the most friends or the bubbliest personality. The people I meet and the relationships that I can develop are what I truly care about. If we can develop a community that feels this same way at our school’s events, we’ll remember college far better than by which event had the nicest cupcakes or the most interesting venue.
But, I have to be honest. As of now, I’m not sure how I could create this sense of community, and I know I won’t be able to do it alone. But, I can guarantee that, if given the position, I will work harder than ever to create exciting and interesting events that bring people together. I will reach out. I will plan. I will do everything I can to think out of the box and make it happen. My heart is already invested in what this Social Life Exec. position could do for the friendly and the friendless- all I need is your support.
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Photo provided by Amanda Cummings
Amanda Cummings: Office Administrator candidate
I would be happy to be the executive Office Administrator in order to utilize my passions and strengths to serve the SGA exec team and the student body. To accomplish this, I will use my skill of organization and my love for community.
In the position of office administrator, I hope to be a team player, and I want to contribute my help where and when it is needed. I hope to be an encourager, and I want to help give a positive spirit to the team. I hope to be an organizer, and I want to allow the team to function at its optimal capacity.
Thank you to all my friends who have supported and encouraged me to apply and run for this position.
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Photo provided by Alexi Guzman
Alexis Guzman: VP of Campus Communications candidate
I’m so excited to be running for Exec Campus Communications for the year 2014/2015. It really was a decision that I had a hard time deliberating about. I really felt like it was God speaking to me saying that it was the right decision.
I am running for Campus Communications because I absolutely love to get the word out about what’s going on our campus.
I love to draw, and I feel that when I draw and make posters or things that grab peoples attention on campus, it really could inspire others to want to do this as well.
In being a leader in Student Government in the 2013-2014, it has shown me that it’s fun to be a leader and have fun while doing it, and I also get to reach out to other people and make other people happy as well. If I do become Exec next year, I would be ecstatic and plan to keep things organized but also try to have more fun while communicating bigger and better with our campus.