‘Twas the week before finals and all through the campus,
not a student was sleeping, not even a nap;
The coffee was held in their hands with great care,
In hopes that their profs would soon show some mercy;
The students were nestled all stressed in the library;
While visions of Christmas break danced in their heads;
And Ms. Nancy in her coffee shop, and I with my buddies,
Had just settled down for another all-nighter,
When out in the group study arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the door I flew like a flash,
Past the fellow procrastinators I know all too well,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Noah Terry, finishing yet another exegetical,
With a little nervous laughter, so tired and stressed,
He said of his studies: “I’m really distracted all of the time”
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now Jake! now, Amy! now, Hitchcock and Scully!
On, Rosa! on, Charles! on, Holt! on, Gina and Terry!
To Brooklyn Nine-Nine, my main motivation!”
The tired students that were before in frustration,
Circled around him and agreed full of glee.
The characters’ positivity re-motivating them all,
So back to studying for their finals they went.
Whatever your motivation may be, I wish you all luck.
It may seem like it now, but the stress won’t last forever;
In less than two weeks, the semester will be over.
We will go our separate ways, wherever they may be,
To celebrate the birth of the Savior baby.
But until that day comes, I say to you, students:
“Grab some good coffee and study hard, my dear friends.”
Happy finals to all and to all a good break!
(Image © Tempest, found at https://tempest.dk/4-bedste-maader-at-spare-penge-til-jul/)