Managing Mental Health in the New Semester

Managing Mental Health in the New Semester

Students often feel tremendous pressure while attending college. Maintaining a high grade point average, balancing a social life, worrying about the uncertainty of a future career, and figuring out how to balance schedules are just some of the struggles students face. Since there are so many struggles, students should check their mental health regularly.

Mental health impacts our health, thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. Having good mental health helps you balance stress easier, allows you to make better connections and relationships with people, and helps you handle situations better. If you are having difficulty with any of these topics, do not be afraid to reach out to someone that you can trust.

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition present your requests to God. The peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We often get so caught up in worldly demands that we forget who Jesus says we are. Reading scripture can help you focus on the bigger picture while also providing a sense of hope.

There are different ways to improve your mental health:

  • Reach out and talk to someone that you trust. This can be a close family member, roommate, or friend. Talking it out is very beneficial.
  • Take advantage of counseling services. SNU offers counseling services at Renew Counseling Center located inside Commons. For undergraduate students, the first five sessions are free.
  • If the weather permits, go outside for a nice walk. Absorbing yourself in a fresh environment allows you to stay present while getting fresh air and vitamin D.
  • Be sure that you are managing your time effectively. Schedule certain times to get homework done. This way you don’t have to think about completing assignments twenty-four-seven.
  • Have other activities that do not involve homework. Try a new hobby, activity, or sport. Shifting your focus can be a great relief. There are also lots of clubs around campus that you can be involved in so look out for those opportunities.

As we start this new semester, I hope that we as students will allow ourselves to treat our mental health with grace. College is not easy. Neither is asking for help when we truly need it. Find ways that work best for you to change your mindset. Just remember that you can do this and it will be ok!

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash