Last Minute Outfit Tips for Heartpal

Last Minute Outfit Tips for Heartpal

Unsure of what to wear and where to go for Heartpal? We’ve got you covered! Heartpal is an annual formal banquet hosted by Southern Nazarene University in February. This year’s Heartpal kicks off Friday at the Yale Theater in downtown Oklahoma City.

The typical Heartpal attire fits more of a “Sunday best” or “semi-formal” type dress code. However, you can expect just about anything from Southern Nazarene students. For those looking for a last minute outfit, here’s what your fellow students say about what to wear.

“I usually wear some form of pink to match the valentine’s day feel,” says James Crutcher, a senior here at SNU.

Molly Coughran, a junior, acknowledged the pink suggestion as a rule to break. “You can wear anything really, but most people go with reds and pinks. My dress is black!” says Coughran.

Molly Coughran’s husband, Camden Coughran, also elaborated on what his plans were for his outfit. “I would say any color works, but as for me, I’m wearing a red shirt for the Valentine’s Day season.”

Colors aside, the most important thing is that you’re comfortable in your Heartpal outfit! “Don’t wear anything that doesn’t make you feel confident and pretty,” says Lori Luker. Wearing something that you feel good in will make you happier and enjoy the event more!

Dalton Handwork has been to Heartpal a few times and has some advice for the male attendees. “Don’t wear shorts, or a tie wrapped around your head… don’t be that guy.” This isn’t a rodeo or some frat party. You can play around, but it’s meant to be a classier event.

What should you expect from Heartpal? This event has a lot of different things to enjoy. This includes photo booths and drinks like juice, punch, tea, and water. Snacks like cookies, small sandwiches, chips and dip, and other finger foods will also be provided.

James Crutcher has some favorites from last year’s Heartpal “My favorite things are the pictures with your friends and the core memories we all make together,” says Crutcher.

Molly Coughran has loved the past years at Heartpal as well. “My favorite thing is creating friendships in random ways! During my freshman year, I got to dance with this super cool girl named Abbigail Shay and she and I are friends now! It’s fun to watch people be themselves.”

Dalton Handwork has some favorites from the past as well. “My favorite thing: hanging out with friends or watching Brixton Schmitt bust a move,” says Handwork.

If you’re scared to ask a date to go, James Crutcher has a little advice. “Don’t be afraid to ask that special someone. If anything, you two could always go as ‘just friends.’” Even then, there’s no shame in going alone! There are plenty of things to do and plenty of friends to make!

Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy Heartpal! You deserve a little fun!

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash