Be Your Best You Fair

Be Your Best You Fair

Be Your Best You Fair started on October 3rd and 4th on the main floor of the Commons building from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. In one booth, students were given a mental health menu with six ways to improve their health: Breathing, getting physically active, meditating, journaling, reading a book, and taking a walk.

Mental health is a serious matter, and it’s good for students to acknowledge it. Mental health can affect how students feel and act throughout the day, and school work can cause stress that will manifest into something more serious. Students might not know how to help themselves with mental health; therefore, I interviewed two people who were a part of the Be Your Best Fair, Resident Director Sierra White and a student, Juan Zepeda

I asked White and Zepeda, “Why do you think mental health is important for students?” White responded, “Students are in life-changing matters, so being healthy and positive in college life and learning how to care for yourself mentally is important.” Zepeda included, “I believe mental health is important for students’ overall success because college can be a new and overwhelming experience for many college students. It’s important for them to understand their unique situation and be able to have the emotional intelligence to help them balance everything on their plate.”

In my next question, “How can students seek help with mental health?” White responded, “They can seek help through the health center, RENEW counseling, and staff that can serve as mentors for students. RENEW counseling also has peer groups and workshops available.” Zepeda added, “I believe that SNU faculty and staff do a great job of making sure students know they are seen and cared for! I think most staff members do a great job of creating a safe space in relationships formed with students. SNU also has great on-campus resources like the RENEW Counseling Center, the Office of Student Life, and the Center of Student Success!”

Mental health can be difficult to talk about, especially when you’re unsure what’s causing it. I asked White and Zepeda, “What can students do when they feel like something is wrong?” White responded, “The first step is talking to someone, such as a friend, RA, or professor. It helps to leave it out of your mind. You can also receive counseling.” Zepeda included, “I think asking your professor to meet after class can help. SNU professors genuinely have the best interest in students’ wellbeing and will help to the best of their ability.”

I asked White and Zepeda my last question, “What are encouraging words for students with mental health and how they can improve it?” To this, White said, “We all should address our mental health and find what works for us and what doesn’t.” Zepeda added, “Knowing that you are enough and that it’s more than okay to have emotions. There is an abundance of people here at SNU who care for you and your well-being! You are not alone in this and getting help may be easier than you think!”

Students can seek help at the health center, and RENEW counseling, among peer groups, and staff members.


Photo by Priscilla Du Prezz on Unsplash